NghiaSinh's Services: Building Schools & Human Service Centers

Before 1975, NghiaSinh established: 1) The Nghia-Viet High School for the poor; 2) Hung-Vuong Social Service Center for homeless children; 3) Tran-Binh-Trong Shelter for displaced persons; 4) Chanh-Hung Human Care Center for juvenile delinquents; 5) Bac-Hai Vocational School, and 6) Nghia Sinh members served thousands of people in need for more than 12 years in eleven provinces and cities in Vietnam before 1975.

Honors & Awards presented in Vietnam:

As a result of NghiaSinh’s volunteer and dedicated service to humanity, the Prime Minister of Vietnam, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Labor, and the Minister of Social Services presented Nghia Sinh four National Medals of Honor.

1. National Medal of Education

2. National Medal of Labor

3. National Medal of Social Services

4. National Medal of Youth Services, and other service awards:

5. Asia Foundation's Appreciation Award

6. CARE's Outstanding Service Award

Intro to NghiaSinh

In June 1963, Nghia Sinh was founded in Saigon as a humanitarian organization to provide emergency assistance to the elderly and the poor who arrived in Saigon as refugees from the countryside of Vietnam. Nghia Sinh has also provided food, clothes, shelter, and medicine to war victims since 1966.
